Vietnam Visa Application Form Online

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Is It Reliable For VietNam Visa On Arrival?

 For many years in charge with Vietnam visa on arrival for our customers, we had a lot of questions from customers about the legality and ways of using the visa on arrival.We synthesized the following questions as below:


- Visa on arrival is legal or illegal?

- Is Visa issued by government agency or by your company?

- I called for the embassy where I am living and they said that visa must be made through embassy and they do not know how Visa on arrival works. Also, they told me that I would be in trouble at the airport. What should I do now?

- I found many people on the forum said that Visa on arrival was unsafe and frauded, was not it?

- How do I trust that Viet Nam's government allows making visa on arrival?

- Visa on arrival is sometimes effective for entering another country and sometimes not, is it right for the truth?

- I first time use visa on arrival and I feel so concerned that I can not immigrate to another country.

- My friend has applied to make Visa on arrival on wedsite A with address in country B but he became a victim of fraud and lost his money. What could you do to make me believe in your Visa service?

- They all above are some popular questions that we received from customers. we would like to write this article today to apparently explain in detail so that you can understand and believe in Visa on arrival service.

- Visa on arrival is visa service for arrival. we will make an approval letter of the Vietnam immigration department that approve and consent you immigrating Viet Nam within a certain time. Your Visa will be stamped at Vietnam international airport and your Visa will be available for immigrating after stamping.

- We first would like to explain the legality of Visa on arrival and Viet Nam government's regulation that allows you using Visa on arrival for immigrating to Viet Nam


A. Regulation of Viet Nam government for arrival visa issue:


ORDINANCE - No: 24/2000/PL-UBTVQH10 – Regulation of Congress Standing Committee includes immigration, migration, residence for foreigners in Viet Nam on 28th April 2000. In section I with Article 6th as follows:

1. Foreigners apply for immigration and they will be issued visa at international border gates of Vietnam in the following cases:


a) For visiting familiar people who are extremely sick or atteding their funeral;


b) Coming from countries that without diplomatic missions and consular offices of Vietnam;


c) Traveling with the program that are organized by some Viet Nam international travel companies.;


d) For supporting with urgent technology to works, Projects or urgently rescueing people who are in accident or extremly sick. Assisting people from calamity and diseases in Viet Nam.


đ) For other emergent reasons.


2. Agency of Immigration management under the ministry police will issue visas which specified in clause 1 of this article.

B. Practical form of visa on arrival


Department of immigration just issues visa on arrival through a travel company in Vietnam. The immigration department will store client's information on system of immigration department when visa on arrival is issued to guests so that all of security personnels at the border of Tan Son Nhat - Ho Chi Minh City, Noi Bai - Ha Noi, Da Nang international airport will be able to check your information.


Why does the immigration department make visa through a travel agent only?

Because of incidents that could be occured when visitors immigrate to Vietnam then they violate the law or that customers need to go the hospital because of health issues or be deported back to their country and there are many other reasons .... Then immigration department will force the travel agent who made visa for the that client to solve the problem by requirements of the immigration department such as giving all costs to take care for that client and many other costs. In other hand, that travel agent will be fined that base on the regulations of Vietnam’s Government.






1. This is a pattern of visa on arrival issued by immigration department of Vietnam for foreigners. we highlighted the important information from 1 to 9. we will explain these parameters so you know and understand easier.


2. Please look at red frame with number 1 in red: near the top left hand corner. This is thenumberC12008591/A72-p5 of acceptance letter of visa on arrival with the name of client in this letter. This number is unique and does not coincide with other client's visa mail . When you come to Vietnam's international airports to send this letter and your passport to security personnel. They will access this number on the system of immigration department. Also, your visa information will be shown on at this time and they will collate information on the system with your passport. If they are matching then your visa stamped for your entry. This is the reason why many customers get others' approval letter and then they change their name in which to use. They could be found being fraud and detained for investigation when arriving at Vietnam border.


3. Please look at red frame with blue No. 2: This is the information that allows you to get your visa at the Vietnam border.


4. Number 3, 4, 5, 6 is the customer's information. This information is the same with the client’s passport information. Therefore customers should check the information carefully before sending them to us. If this information is incorrect compared to information on passports, Clients can not immigrate to Vietnam.


5. Number 7 is the date of immigration information and immigration number. You are only allowed immigrating during that time. If you want to immigrate sooner or later, you have to make a new visa.


6. Number 8 is information indicating you are getting a visa or a visa at Vietnam international airport. You can make the options for immigrating one of three airports Noi Bai, Da Nang and Tan Son Nhat.


7. Number 9This is immigrant department information who send one of this version to the international border of Vietnam.


This will enable you understand the visa on arrival better. Visa on arrival is issued by Vietnam's government . We are work in travel company. We are in charge of making paper work for approval letter of immigration department so it is legal.


A. Stamping visa at airport immigration.


If you follow our instructions when you arrive at the Vietnam international airport your visa will be stamped. But you will wonder how does it work for visa stamping process? does the picture of that stamp look like the one that be stamped at the embassy or not? How much does it cost to get your visa stamped? And how long does it take? …




This image is stamped visa at the airport.These images are alike at some airports. They are just different with their framed that we coloured in 2 colours red and blue so it is easier for you to see.


In the picture is the part which is stamped at Noi Bai airport in Hanoi. Stamps with the clearly state: Issued in Hanoi City which also indicate that CACK NB that means police station at border of Noi Bai Airport.


If you immigrate to Da Nang then it will be recorded that issued at Da Nang City and if you immigrate to Tan Son Nhat then it will be recorded that issed at Ho Chi Minh City.


We will mention clearly about problem: I called the embassy where I live. They advised me to make visa through the embassy and they did not know anything about visa on arrival. they said I would be in trouble at airport. What should I do now?.


As we have stated above about the legality and legitimacy of visa on arrival which are issued by police agencies of Vietnam. We know you will wonder why your country's embassy say that? Why?


For something that we have mentioned above, the immigration department in Vietnam issues visa on arrival just through a travel agent so the embassy of Vietnam in foreign countries can not do a visa on arrival. We will explain how to make embassy's Vietnam visa so that you understand how they make them and you will understand why they told you so.


Embassy’s ways from operating:


1. They will receive your original passport, visa stamping fee, service fee and they will make appointments for returning your passport. I think it can take at least 2 days but sometimes 5 days.


2. Then they will submit information of making your visa to a travel agent in Vietnam through email. They ask the dealer to make visa letter of immigration department and have visa stamped in their embassies.


3. Then this travel agent will make an approval letter of Immigration Department with the request of the embassy and send the embassy via email. Whenever receiving that mail the embassy will get your visa stamped. Stamps with the clearly state: 13 and 3 : UNITED STATES and >Embassy of Vietnam in Washington DC, UNITED STATES.





4. Then they return your passport for visa stamping


You will wonder why the embassy do not make Vietnam visa directly? Why not through a travel agent in Vietnam?


If the embassy and the department of immigration made ​​Visa directly, who will be blamed by Viet Nam police when the incident happened as listed above ? Who will be fined? Do police get the ambassy a fine again and force them to pay money? No, because the embassy belongs to the government. Is the government pay themselve in case of being fined?


That is the reason why the immigration department issues visa just through a travel agent in Vietnam


You knew how to make your visa at Vietnam embassy at this point. They can all do our Vietnam visa alike. They also want their customers to use their service to get more additional visa fee. The embassy staff who make you a visa allow you collecting that fee without any papers you received. They just give you a receipt for the visa stamping fee. This fee then will be submitted to the Government of Vietnam . They are just more convenient than us in getting your visa stamped at their place. we make you visa and it will be stamp at the Viet Nam airport


However there are advantages and disadvantages in making visa so you select the most appropriate for you. They both are legally and valid under the regulations of the Government of Vietnam


Because the visa on arrival is made online or any other field of computers, phones, clothes ... so there are many companies that provide services on the market. However, there are also fraud companies that discredite and affect to the reputation of business companies.Therefore you should choose carefully to get the company to work


We have presented the legal issues and processes issued by any agency of Vietnam visa on arrival. If you have any questions or need additional ideas or comments, please give us yor feedback that will help us complete ourselves and other customers can also read to understand more about the service of Vietnam visa on arrival.